Tallon International Limited - Use of FSC characters in product listings.

FSC® (FSC®-C116779) (referred to as our license code).

Certain products on our database use the letters FSC® to identify clearly, our claim for FSC®-certified paper and pulp. FSC® is a registered trademark of the Forest Stewardship Council ®, all rights reserved. The Forest Stewardship Council ® is an international nongovernmental organisation that promotes environmentally appropriate, socially beneficial, and economically viable management of the world’s forests. For more information, please visit www.fsc.org

To give you an idea of what it means to buy FSC®-certified products, they ensure:


  • Products are recognised as supporting responsible and sustainable forestry
  • That by choosing these products, you are supporting responsible management of the world’s forests
  • Sacred sites and trees are protected, and indigenous people have their rights respected
  • Trees are harvested responsibly so there is no net loss of forest over time
  • Forest owners must employ local workers and pay them a decent wage, and provide the necessary safety equipment and training to carry out the job


As well as the positives of these certified products, FSC® continuously addresses issues such as illegal logging, deforestation and global warming, whilst promoting economic development and environmental conservation.


FSC®-certified products will be marked with a logo with a ‘tick tree’. You can be confident that buying an FSC®-certified product means it has gone through the Chain-of-Custody, where the timber used has been tracked at every stage throughout the supply chain until the end. Purchasing products with the FSC® logo means you can rest assured that the products are made of material from well-managed FSC®-certified forests, recycled materials, and other controlled sources. The latter being risk assessed to ensure no illegal logging, genetically modified trees or violations of civil or traditional rights are taking place.


What it means for your product...

By using FSC®-certified paper, you can be confident that this product is manufactured from sustainably sourced materials and has an audited trail straight from the paper mill, all the way to your folder or desk.

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